Conversation that talk about business (Assigment 1)

Group E :
·         Anisa Nazilah                       (20216908)
·         Dio Wirasista W.                  (21216981)
·         M. Alfian Yogie P.               (24216157)
·         Nanda Fitri A.                      (25216299)
·         Putri Desti Fatwah F.           (25216847)

At a seminar that discussed entrepreneurship, Anthony met Lisa. They met accidentally because Anthony spilled juice on Lisa's skirt.
Anthony    : “Sorry, I did not mean it”
Lisa           : “It's fine, I have tissue. Do not worry”
Anthony    : “I apologize once again... Introduce my name Anthony, whose name are you?”
Lisa           : “My name is Lisa”
Anthony    : “Where do you come from?”
Lisa           : “I'm from Jakarta, how about you?”
Anthony    : “I come from Bogor, introduce my colleague Zack. He is a company with me”
Zack         : “Hai, my name is Zack”
Lisa           : “Hai, I’m Lisa. By the way, what do you work for in a company?”
Anthony    : “We work in a furniture company, and  I'm in finance”
Zack         : “I'm in the furniture design section. How about you?”
Lisa           : “I still plan to open a food business”
Zack         : “Wow! That's great!”
Anthony    : “Yeah.. that's good, so what kind of food will you sell?”
Lisa          : “I intend to open a five-star seafood restaurant”
Zack         : “Wow, I think your business will run smoothly”
Anthony    : “I also agree with Zack, because seafood is one of the most popular foods in Indonesia”
Lisa          : “Thank you, that makes me excited. But, what do you think is a problem if you are in the  
                    entrepreneurial business?”
Zack         : “I think one that can harm business is a negative issue. If your business is already running, you 
                   must be prepared to deal with various issues that are made by nosy people such as the issue of 
                   the poor quality of your food”
Anthony    : “In addition, the price of raw materials may go up, but in my opinion do not increase the selling 
                    price so that customers will not leave”
Lisa           : “Wow, thank you for the knowledge and advice. I became very impatient to start my business. 
                     If my restaurant has been opened, you can come to my restaurant and I will give free food 
                     during the grand opening”
Anthony     : “Yeah.. You are welcome. And I apologize for the juice incident”
Zack          : “Hey, the seminar is over”
Lisa            : “That's right, then see you again next time. Nice to meet you”
Zack          : “We’re also happy to meet you”

Then they separated after the seminar was finished.


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