Conversation : Telephone in Business Situation (Assigment 2)

Group E :
·         Anisa Nazilah                       (20216908)
·         Dio Wirasista W.                  (21216981)
·         M. Alfian Yogie P.               (24216157)
·         Nanda Fitri A.                      (25216299)
·         Putri Desti Fatwah F.           (25216847)

Dony      : “Assalammualaikum, good Afternoon, iam dony, today, I have an appointment with mrs. Bella. Is she in ?
Anya      : “Waalaikumsallam, may I know where you are from, mr. dony ?
Dony      : “Iam from PT. Maxwell company. We want to invite celera company to work with us as a partner
Anya      : “Ooh yahh, I know. Unfortunately mrs. bella is having meeting with her client right now
Dony      : “Will it take a long time ?
Anya      : “Actually I don’t know. But when she is done I will tell her that you were looking for her. We will recall you back mr. dony
      Dony      : “Yes please. I will wait, and thank you
                       ( an hour later, celera company is calling mr. dony )
Bella      : “Assalammualaikum, bella is here from celera company . Is this Mr.dony from Maxwell company ?
Dony      : “Wallaikumsallam, yes, iam dony from Maxwell company
Bella       : “Yes mr. dony my assistant told me that you want to convey something to me. What it is mr.dony ?
Dony     : “Actually mrs. Bella I want to invite celera company to work with my company as partner. Would you like your company to join with my company ?
Bella       : “Hmm..before that, I need to know what our agreement is ?
Dony      : “So, I want to make a veil with my brand and I need the material that is produced in your company. What do you think ?
Bella       : “So, what the material that you need for your brand ?
Dony      : “I think, satin is the good one
Bella      : “Hmm.. I actually agree with you. Moreover satin is the most popular material for veil that people are looking for
Dony      : “So, do you agree if our company work as partner mrs. bella ?
Bella       : “Yes, I agree to let my company join with yours
Dony      : “Thank you mrs. bella. Anyway mr.bella how much the satin material is ?
Bella       : I will give a special price for you
Dony      : “Seriously ?? wahh.. thank you mrs. Bella
Bella       : “Soo, how many colors that you need ?
Dony      : I just need 7 colors. I guess
Bella       : “Before that mr. dony. Actually we use  the price for every roll or per roll
Dony      : yes. Mrs.bella I understand.
Bella       : “For every roll is priced around Rp. 1.500.000 and consists of 45 meters
Dony      : “And for 7 roll I must to pay around Rp. 10.500.000. right mrs. Bella ?
Bella       : “Yes mr.dony. and because I promise to you would give you special price, you just need to pay to me just Rp. 10.000.000
Dony      : “Woowww, thank you mrs.bella I really am happy. You help me a lot
Bella       : “Its ok. So when do we meet to agree on our agreement ?
Dony      : “The sooner we meet, the better for our product
Bella       : I will wait you on my office tomorrow. Don’t you have schedule  with your other client, do you ?
Dony      : “No, mrs. Bella. I don’t have another schedule tomorrow
Bella       : “Fine, see you tomorrow mr. dony
Dony      : “Yaa, see you tomorrow and thank you mrs.bella


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