Assignment 5 (English Bussiness)

Group E :
  •   AnisaNazilah                       (20216908)
  • DioWirasista W.                   (21216981)
  •  M. AlfianYogie P.                 (24216157)
  •  Nanda Fitri A.                      (25216299)
  •  PutriDestiFatwah F               (25216847)

Discussion about Project Peduli “Sharing and Caring of The Rainbow Orphanage”

Purpose of Project Peduli
1.      Applying science and skills as a means of self-actualization of students to help others.
As fellow believers, we should help each other. If we have the time and material as objects that we can give, then we should give it to help those in need. Besides that, we can explore our caring with others.
2. Giving motivation to the community about the importance of awareness in improving insight.
With us giving social services in the form of knowledge or insights that are important for everyday life (for example religious learning knowledge) then it can provide knowledge / an important thing for them. And it will upgrade their knowledge insights.Thus they will be aware of the importance Science.
3. Strengthening family relationships between students and the community.
By interacting with the community (for example in social service activities) we can get to know each other and be more familiar with them. So that we can cultivate a sense of kinship with the community in ourselves. In addition, we can grow a sense of kinship with the community because we live side by side with the wider community and we definitely need their help at any time.

Benefits of Project Peduli
1)      The community can or is able to strive to improve the quality of health and education. The community gets service through a variety of activities.
2)      Students can directly apply the knowledge and knowledge gained for the benefit of the community
3)      For educational facilities and non-formal training for students by going directly to the community
4)      Add insight and social knowledge
5)      Helping the formation of a person's attitude and personality
6)      Grow a high sense of morality
7)      Growing enthusiasm to find new inspiration
8)      Develop personalities and a sense of mutual care
9)      Train the soul of leadership
10)  Can form Emotional Intelligence Quotien (EQ) (Train one's patience and emotions)
11)  Can feel the beauty of sharing with others
12)  Can understand a lot of things from yourself that can be grateful for rather than complaining
13)  We will feel happy when we can give something useful to others

The Work order of the committee of an activity / program are :
1.      There is an idea/ plan / program
Because of the right moment and opportunity for the goals to be achieved, as well as being a work program.
2.      Initial meeting to realize these ideas and plans
Preparation for the intial meeting, the point is to make all members attending at this meeting. Preparation includes :
  •  Determination of the time and place of the meeting
  •  Invite all relevant members to attend the meeting
1)      The implementation of meeting
Determination of activity description (including the form,time and place of activities that have not been defined) by discussing or giving proposal suggestions.
2)      After the meeting
The results of the meeting need to be socialized to other members. This is useful so that each member feelspartially responsible.
3.      Management of activity permits
a)      Licensing with proposals
b)      Licensing with letters ( by reporting proposals )
4.      Preparation of activities
In this stage each committee carries out its duties in accordance with the agreed task description and time schedule during the initial meeting.
5.      Implementation of activities and program arrangements
a)      Welcome remaks from donors
b)      Remarks from the chief executive, explaining the intention to hold a “sharing and caring with pelangi orphanage” event.
c)      Poetry musicalization program
d)     The games ( includes : balloon’s dance, spoons and marbles )
e)      Awarding a race prize
f)       Documentation
g)      Closing ceremony
6.      Evaluation
Evaluation is useful for knowing the weaknesses or strengths of a job so that it can achieve better goals for the next activity or program

Division and  division of  task :
1.      Chairman : lead and organize the concept of the event and have the most important role.
2.      Vice chairman : the companion’s chairman at an event, the second most important role in an event
3.      Treasurer : to arrange all finances such as expenses and income for a smooth an event
4.      Secretary : to take the notes about important things at every and each meetings and events
5.      Division of education : in charge of entertaining children in an event
6.      Division of equipment : when holding an envent, this division which details everything that is needed
7.      Division of event : to arrange the arrangement of an event
8.      Division of documentation : in charge capturing every moment  during the event
9.      Division of consumption : in charge to arrange comsumption equipment or food for guest and participants
10.  Divison of field : in charge of surveying the location to be used as the venue 

Report on Social Service Activities at the Pelangi’s Orphanage
1.      Background
As fellow humans, we are obliged to help each other, especially those whose fortunes are less fortunate than ours. therefore through this social service, we visit orphanages with the aim of sharing and caring for those in need.
2.      Theme
“Sharing and Caring with Rainbow Orphanage”
3.      Goals
·         Facilitate Muslims who are fortified by Allah SWT to share with others
·         Foster sympathy and empathy and social care in the community
·         Trying to help ease the burden of the people in need
4.      Place And Time Of Implementation
Place    : Pelangi’s Orphanage, Bogor, West Java
Time    : November 11, 2018
5.      Participants
·         AnisaNazilah
·         DiantoWirasistaWiranto
·         Nanda Fitri
·         PutriDesti
·         YogiePratama
·         and 15 person more
6.      Orphanage Administrator
Ust. Arian (Administrator of Pelangi Orphanage)
7.      Moderator
8.      Results
On November 11, 2018 we made a visit to one of the orphanages in Parepare, precisely at PantiPelangi. This visit was very different from the previous social service, because this time we were able to visit an orphanage with friends.
Mostly the orphans do not have both parents and family so they are neglected, but there are also many who are discarded by their parents so that they are accommodated in orphanages.
In this orphanage, it was very inviting to our emotion and laughter, because the orphans still survived and were able to laugh and were excited by their limitations and there were even some children who had never seen their parents.
9.      Conclusion
In this discussion, we can conclude that we as humans we must help each other and care for others who need our help because there are still brothers and sisters outside us who need our helping hand.
This charity and social service event is expected to open the eyes of the world that there will always be help for those in need. also aims to lighten the burden of the orphans in the orphanage. we say thank you very much to all those who have helped implement this event. if there are deficiencies in this activity please forgive.

Our Experience :
The experience of the organization that we felt made us happy and touched because of the response of the orphanage children who were comforted and happy because of the sharing and caring of the rainbow orphanage.
And we are very happy when the orphanages are entertained and happy with sharing the games that we provide, moreover they are very cheerful and happy when getting gifts from the games given.
In addition to sharing and caring for them, we also got a lot of lessons from this social event. Like so many children who are still early but are already independent, then a close sense of kinship even though they are not from a blood family but their relationship is very friendly and close.
And at that time we felt the happiness that was in these children. When we took part in the event we could feel the togetherness that we had never felt before. And we are inspired by those who are always passionate about reaching their dreams and they also help each other if they need help.
Problem and Solving :
1. Field Division
The problem in field division is difficulty of finding the right location for the institution. Solution to the field division by surveying several institutions first.
2. Consumption Division
The problem in consumption division is low of budget to buying food for orphans. And our solution in solving this problem is find a food menu that is in accordance with the available costs.
3. Equipment Division
Problems with equipment division such as lack of equipment needed. The solution to avoiding these problems is to record various needs before the event begins.
4. Games Division
The problem in games division is difficulty in finding suitable prizes for game winners and lack of fun game references. And our solution is when the games program takes place the committee must be active and expressive in delivering games, and the committee looks for reward games that are useful for orphans such as books and stationery.
5. Event Division
Problems in the event division such as delay in starting the event. And the solution is to fill in the blanks of time by inviting children to sing or other entertainment.

The Final Step:
After the event, all the committees gathered for evaluation. And each division issued an opinion about the event.
1. When distributing consumption, it turned out that the committee's calculations were not right so that the entire committee did not get consumption
2. When the program began the children were not entertained due to the unfolding of the program. But after the games and singing with the children began to be entertained
3. The decoration made by the equipment division was damaged because curious children wanted to touch the decoration until it was broken.


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